Dental fillings play a crucial role in restoring and preserving the health and function of teeth affected by decay or damage. In Turkey, dental fillings are commonly performed procedures aimed at repairing cavities, fractures, or other structural defects in teeth.

With advancements in dental technology and materials, patients in Turkey have access to a range of options for dental fillings, each offering unique advantages in terms of aesthetics, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Whether you’re seeking traditional amalgam fillings or modern tooth-coloured composite fillings, Turkey provides comprehensive dental care services to address your oral health needs.

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Types of Dental Fillings in Turkey

  1. Composite Fillings: These tooth-coloured fillings are made of a blend of plastic resin and fine glass particles, providing a natural appearance and excellent durability. They are a popular choice for filling cavities in visible areas of the mouth.
  2. Amalgam Fillings: Made from a mixture of metals including silver, mercury, tin, and copper, amalgam fillings are strong and highly resistant to wear and tear. They are often used for filling cavities in the back teeth where chewing forces are greater.
  3. Ceramic Fillings: Also known as porcelain fillings, ceramic fillings offer superior aesthetics and biocompatibility. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory to match the colour and contour of the natural teeth, providing a seamless restoration.
  4. Glass Ionomer Fillings: These tooth-coloured fillings are composed of glass particles and organic acids, making them suitable for filling cavities in areas with low to moderate chewing pressure. They release fluoride, which helps prevent further decay.
  5. Gold Fillings: Gold fillings, made from a mixture of gold and other metals, are highly durable and long-lasting. While they are less commonly used due to their cost and appearance, they offer excellent strength and corrosion resistance.
  6. Composite Resin Inlays and Onlays: These indirect fillings are custom-made in a dental laboratory and bonded to the tooth surface. They provide a conservative and aesthetically pleasing solution for restoring larger cavities or fractures.

Each type of dental filling has its own unique characteristics and suitability for different situations, and your dentist in Turkey will recommend the most appropriate option based on your specific needs and preferences.

process of dental fillings in Turkey

The process of dental fillings in Turkey typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Examination: Your dentist will examine your teeth and may take X-rays to determine the extent of the decay or damage that needs to be addressed.
  2. Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth being treated, ensuring a pain-free experience during the procedure.
  3. Tooth Preparation: The affected tooth is prepared by removing the decayed or damaged part using a dental drill or laser. The tooth is then cleaned to remove any debris and bacteria.
  4. Filling Placement: Once the tooth is prepared, the chosen filling material (such as composite resin, amalgam, ceramic, etc.) is placed in layers into the cavity. Each layer is hardened with a special curing light before adding the next layer.
  5. Shaping and Polishing: After the filling material has been placed and hardened, your dentist will shape and polish it to ensure a smooth and natural-looking restoration. This helps to restore the tooth’s function and aesthetics.
  6. Final Evaluation: Your dentist will check the filling to ensure it fits properly, aligns with your bite, and blends seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. Any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure optimal comfort and function.
  7. Aftercare Instructions: You will be provided with instructions on how to care for your newly filled tooth, including proper oral hygiene practices and dietary recommendations to maintain the longevity of the filling.

By following these steps, dental fillings can effectively restore the function, strength, and appearance of a tooth affected by decay or damage, helping you maintain optimal oral health and hygiene.

FAQ about dental fillings turkey

Here are answers to your FAQs:

How much are teeth fillings in Turkey?

The cost of teeth fillings in Turkey can vary depending on factors such as the type of filling material used, the complexity of the procedure, and the dental clinic’s location and reputation. Generally, dental fillings in Turkey are more affordable compared to many other countries, making it a popular destination for dental tourism.

Is Turkey a good place for dental work?

Yes, Turkey is renowned for its high-quality dental services, modern facilities, and skilled dental professionals. Many people choose Turkey for dental work due to its affordability, excellent standards of care, and the opportunity to combine dental treatment with a holiday.

Why is dentistry so much cheaper in Turkey?

Several factors contribute to the lower cost of dentistry in Turkey, including lower operating costs for dental clinics, lower labour costs, and favourable exchange rates. Additionally, the Turkish government actively promotes medical tourism, encouraging investment in state-of-the-art facilities and competitive pricing to attract international patients.

Where do celebrities get their teeth done in Turkey?

While specific details may vary, many celebrities opt for renowned dental clinics in popular Turkish cities such as Istanbul and Antalya. These clinics often offer VIP services, cutting-edge treatments, and privacy for high-profile clients seeking dental procedures.

Do Turkey teeth look fake?

No, dental treatments in Turkey are known for their natural-looking results. Skilled dentists use advanced techniques and high-quality materials to ensure that dental restorations, such as fillings, veneers, and crowns, blend seamlessly with the patient’s natural teeth, providing aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting results.

Which country is best for dental treatment?

Turkey is among the top destinations for dental treatment, offering a winning combination of affordability, quality, and tourism opportunities. However, other countries such as Mexico, Thailand, Hungary, and Poland are also popular choices for dental tourism, each offering unique advantages and specialties in dental care. Ultimately, the best country for dental treatment depends on individual preferences, budget, and specific dental needs.